Maybe Windows Add/Remove Programs is the first uninstall tool came into your mind since it’s efficient to uninstall unneeded programs. But a fact you should notice is that it is not always effective in uninstalling programs as it will leave over some files or registry entries related to those unwanted programs. In this case, you can try OCR-TextScan 2 Word’s own uninstall tool.
Like other program developers, OCR-TextScan 2 Word developers also launch its own uninstall tool to offer convenience for users. Maybe it is not good as Add/Remove Program, but you can still have a try.
Remove OCR-TextScan 2 Word with its own uninstaller
- Click Start Menu, and then go to All Programs.
- On the list, locate to OCR-TextScan 2 Word.
- Move to Uninstall OCR-TextScan 2 Word, click it.
- Follow the prompts to complete the uninstall process.
- Restart your computer if required.
To make OCR-TextScan 2 Word uninstall successful, it is essential for you to delete those related entries by yourself. But you need to be very careful to do it as it is a kind of complicated.
Delete OCR-TextScan 2 Word of related registry entries
Basically this means you need to open Registry Editor. Click Start Menu and then go to Run. Enter regedit and you can open Registry Editor. Find out all the related entries under all the folders and then delete all. However, some people may wonder how to uninstall OCR-TextScan 2 Word thoroughly and want an easy method to do it. In this case, you can use an automatic uninstall tool such as Perfect Uninstaller.
Cannot uninstall OCR-TextScan 2 Word? Join here to learn how to fully uninstall OCR-TextScan 2 Word and remove Driver Crypt Plus.