How to Uninstall Adobe Photoshop CS3 Correctly?
It is of great importance to know that when Adobe CS3 is removed from computer system, certain elements and counter-parts of it might have been corrupted or damaged and left in your system, causing the system to have further problems. In that sense, if you haven’t successfully deleted this program and the files that it may have left behind, the remnants of this program will likely trigger more issues.
So, you have to know what you need to be able to do to get rid of any parts of the software that you may have inside your system. The good news is that you can use the steps outlined here to uninstall Adobe CS3 in the most effective way possible.
Manually Uninstall Photoshop CS3
The most common way that people uninstall Photoshop CS3 is to use the “Add / Remove Programs” feature of Windows – a central feature of all Windows systems which has been designed to help you get rid of any of the applications that you have on your system. Here’s how to use this program:
Click “Start”, then click onto “Control Panel”
Locate “Add / Remove Programs” (Windows XP) or “Uninstall A Program” (Windows 7)
When this applet loads up, select “Adobe Photoshop CS3″ from the list that appears
Click “Remove” or “Uninstall” from the list that appears
After that, you have to do the things listed in the instruction window to ensure removal of this program.
However, this basically allow you to get rid of the program using the in-built method that Windows has. The only problem here is that this often leaves a lot of files, settings & options behind that either then have to be deleted manually or by using some sort of software. Left-over files must be deleted as well and you can do this by selecting “Start” and then going to “My Computer”. Next, you have to locate “C:\Program Files\” and find the left-over files. As soon as you’ve identified and chosen the files, click “SHIFT + DELETE. To finish the process, reboot your computer. Once all the steps are properly followed, Adobe Photoshop CS3 and the leftover files should be completely out of your system.
Automatic Removal of Adobe CS3
The most recommended technique in uninstalling Adobe CS3 is the automatic method that involves using a piece of software called an “Perfect Uninstaller”, which is basically a tool that is able to get rid of all the parts of the program that will be installed on your system. The Perfect Uninstaller is proved to work extremely well to remove the HP printer application from computer.