
How to Remove Search.genieo.com from Internet Explorer?(Uninstall Instructions)

Help! I got the Search.genieo.com Search redirect on my Firefox. This webpage has taken over my browser and changed my homepage. Is it a virus or a reliable website? I ran my anti-virus program but nothing was detected. But this website kept redirecting me to some strange webpages. How can I fix my computer?
Search.genieo.com INTRODUCTION:
Search.genieo.com is affiliated with browser hijacker that enters computers in secret without you knowing by use of Trojans, rootkit, hacked sites or software exploitation, security vulnerabilities. Once installed, Search.genieo.com takes over the infected computer’s web browser and then forces it to visit various malicious websites against the computer user’s will. Every time when users get on the internet via browser, they will get redirected to Search.genieo.com constantly. After several times by uninstall and reinstalling it, it is still useless since Search.genieo.com is a rather stubborn virus.
It pretends itself as a real web search engine that serves computer users while actually they can’t acquire anything beneficial but further damage their system if leaving this bug long. It will just heap further misery on your PC by infecting it with more spyware and malware. Moreover, Search.genieo.com redirect can exploit operating system (including Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows7)’s vulnerabilities and rootkit component is designed to conceal the presence of this malware and shun security tools’ detection so you are strongly recommended to manually remove it as soon as possible to prevent from more serious security risk.
Search.genieo.com will shut down your other anti-virus and anti-spyware programs. It will also infect and corrupt your registry, leaving your computer totally unsafe.
Search.genieo.com displays lots of dangerous pop ups and spam email attachments on your screen.
You will see a lot of website popping up when you visit Internet
Unknown popup ads are coming into sight all of the sudden;
Unknown popup ads are coming into sight all of the sudden;
HOW TO REMOVE Search.genieo.com QUICKLY?
Step1 :  Install The World Fastest & Lightest PC Cleaner YAC.
Step2 :  Once installed, open the program and click on the button “Examine now” in the Health Check item. YAC will now start to search for the malicious programs or files that may be installed on your computer.
Step3 :  To remove the malicious programs or files that were detected in the previous step, please click on the Fix button. If there are plug-ins in your computer , YAC will now prompt you that “You need to close the browser to delete the plug-in, close now ?”.Please do so and then click on the Fix button .YAC will now delete all detected adware from your computer.
Tips :  If your web browser homepage and search settings have been modfied by malicious toolbars, you can remove the programs with YAC and reset your web browser as follows:
•Choose the Protection item and set default browser, choose the browser you need.
•Then set homepage of the browser, click the button , choose the one you need.
•You can also set the search engine in this item. The lock setting will take effect after restarting the browser.
HOW TO REMOVE Search.genieo.com MANUALLY?
In order to remove Search.genieo.com manually you need to have technical knowledge first then only you can remove it manually as it requires the knowledge of system files and registry files and if you don’t have any idea about this then trying manual methods can lead you to more problematic situations and one wrong file deletion can make your system completely unusable. The Steps for manual Removal of Search.genieo.com are:
Remove Search.genieo.com from Internet Explore (IE)
•Open Internet Explorer and click the Tools button, and then click Internet options.
•Click the Advanced tab, and then click Reset. Select the Delete personal settings check box if you would also like to remove search providers, Accelerators and home pages. When Internet Explorer finishes applying default settings, click Close, and then click OK.
•The changes will take effect the next time you open IE.

